Sunday, April 11, 2010

CHASED...BY A BOULDER! - card #12

Card set - Raiders of the Lost Ark by Topps, 1981

The beginning to this movie only got better and better didn't it? I mean, first we had spooky caves, some booby traps, a golden idol, more booby traps...and now a giant boulder coming at Indy out of no where.

Now we all knew that he wasn't going to die, as it was only the beginning of the movie. But like every Batman episode, it was about him getting cut in half, it was more how he escaped. And in this scene we have one of Indy's best ever escapes.

What's Topps about this card?

1. It's giant boulder!

2. Again (re: the previous post ), this scene was taken from an old Donald Duck comic featuring Scrooge McDuck.

3. Just imagine if Indy didn't make it...the film franchise wouldn't have happened....that heavens for fiction!

Card set - Raiders of the Lost Ark by Topps, 1981

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