Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Zooming Across The Sky

Here we have card #4 from the Topps produced Superman - The Movie trading card set series 4.

CGI has certainly come a long way since this movie was filmed...sure they still use the famous 'green screen', but at least the backgrounds nowadays are fit more seamless with actors movement. Not to say Superman was poor in was top rate CGI for the 1970's...can't get enough of it!

What's Topps about this card?

1. It's the first action picture in the card set.

2. If you were really drunk, you could attempt to fool your friends by holding this card up to a door with a peephole and make them think that Superman was about to come crashing in on them.

3. Technically, they've got the card slogan wrong...he's not really zooming across the sky as such...more like zooming up...but hey, I only write here :)

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